Ben Morris
Ben Morris
Ben Morris | | @bengm | printed March 06, 2017


personal blog of Ben Morris - father, software maker, occasional traveller   

My 9 year old daughter saw me googling cucumber, and gave me an assignment to write a one page essay on what cucumber (not the food) is.

05 Mar 2017    tech work kids

iPad + Apple pencil isn't perfect, but it's been good enough to replace most of my paper note-taking. I've stuck with it for about 7 months now, which is enough to declare victory.

10 Jan 2017    tech work

I've made all of these mistakes myself. You don't have to. Here's my guidelines for de-WTF-ing your designs.

28 Sep 2016    tech design

I looked up the Agile Manifesto signatory list for some random reason, and it struck me as to how non-diverse the group seemed. I did some intense research (i.e. Google Image search), and did confirm that they all seem to be middle-aged white males.

27 Feb 2012    tech

I am learning Ruby. When I saw KidsRuby, I thought it would be fun to see how a pre-reader can handle code, and my 4 year old daughter and I have played with it for a couple evenings now.

04 Oct 2011    tech kids